الخميس، 2 سبتمبر 2010

In Xbox Madden 10, Things Your Opponents, and Things your Pockets with His Money

If learning about all the new stuff still hasn't made you excited about Xbox Madden 10, then maybe a visit to video gaming's not-so-distant past can put things into perspective. Sure, there's something not right about saying a current game is great merely because it blows away its ancestors. On the other hand, after a closer examination of the older football video games, it's easier to comprehend why Xbox Madden 10 has been at the center of such unadulterated adulation. Certainly, there was a huge, untapped market for football video games, when the first generation of console games made their debut. But the catch was, the power of the early video game consoles didn't exactly equal the imaginations and desires of those early hardcore gamers, so everyone had to settle for less. If you've ever seen old ads for this one, the creators truly believed that it had "all the excitement" of the real deal.


The players themselves have closer resemblance to space aliens than members of a football team. What are you gonna do? And if the picture has you cringing, you can only imagine what the gameplay is like. Characters started flashing and blinking, thanks to the limited memory of the early game consoles and cartridges. Gamers used to the crisp aural sensation of today's games would be stunned by the lack of cool sound here. Another disappointment - the screen didn't (or just couldn't) scroll. However, another participant in video game consoles entered the fray, and their football video game scored a touchdown. They definitely took the ball and ran with this one, giving gamers better gameplay, visuals, and sound. A step in the right direction, but work needed to be done still.


No doubt, it was a real exciting time for hardcore gamers, but there was still a ways to go before football video games would dominate the industry. It would take a few more years before anything like that took place. The next level in football video games had been reached, and still we're seeing a following for this one. Over the years, this was the yardstick by which all football video games were measured.


It's relatively simple to see why it was such a mega-popular hit - before this, nobody really attempted to make a football video game that was this sophisticated. It was an amazing evolution in football video games, and this one was really a major turning point. With the online revival, today's gamers are getting a taste of yesteryear - and loving it. While worthy of praise, it still trails in the distance from Xbox Madden 10.


Hard to believe how much these games have improved since they first came on the scene. Guess it's a waste of time to do too much putting down of the other, less sophisticated football video games. We think you understand. Those games had their weaknesses, but if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be playing Xbox Madden 10 today, so they did get the ball rolling. Of course, Xbox Madden 10 has really kicked this one over the goal posts, which has the video game world pretty pleased. The reviews are as positive as the reaction from the gamers themselves - it's a hit with the fans as well as the video game sites. "Realistic and enjoyable" are comments you'll see during most Xbox Madden 10 reviews. Xbox Madden 10 is another monster hit for EA Sports, though we think you could predict that one. To hell with the people who bag on Xbox Madden 10 - it truly is the best football video game out there. Xbox Madden 10 isn't just a great Xbox sports video game - it's an all-around great Xbox video game. It's the favorite of hardcore gamers, and with good cause. More than just a great game, it's a chance to display your video game excellence, when you clash for cash. Now, Xbox Madden 10 fanatics can throw down the gauntlet and play video games for money. Once you've reached your apex of acumen, you'll be the one scoring big - and filling up your wallet in the process.

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